Every year around this time, we all reflect upon the year past. We look at how many races we did, the accomplishments and even look at the races we missed that maybe next year we'll try.
For me, this was a tough year for injury. I've been trying to run around a calf-strain since mid-year that I haven't properly cared for that flares up on and off. Running a 5K back in June, on an already hurt leg - I still finished the race, even though my calf seized up in pain after the first mile (and even placed in my age group).
Knowing that the doctor would tell me not to run, I've tried to stay off it, but it always seems to come back as strong as the last time and puts me on the sideline and is even painful to walk. So I'm resolving the following:
-to take care of my injury properly so that I can continue to train and race
-run smarter (which for each of us, means something slightly different)
-I do still have my target races (like the SuperHero Half and NJM, perhaps other half- or marathons; pending schedules and injury)
So goodbye to 2011 and all the training ups and downs...
and looking forward to a healthier 2012!
Keep running!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Motivation in 5 Minutes
Do you need running motivation? Despite the mild temperatures in the NE during December (lovin' the ability to wear shorts to run!) here's a few ideas that will take you less than 5 minutes a day and help get you motivated to get out the door...(and some that will take you a little more than 5 minutes)
* Join Facebook running groups and get motivated from others
Like NikeRunning, ASICS Running, Friendly Runners, RunInAMillion
* Subscribe to Twitter feeds for news & events (@RunnersWorld, @BartYasso, @RunInAMillion) and yes, even a run with the occasional beer! (@TheBeerRunnner)
* Sign up for Google Alerts
Sign up to receive stories and news about running right into your email inbox. Select "running"; "marathons" or whatever keywords you'd like in order to receive news every morning
Sign up to receive stories and news about running right into your email inbox. Select "running"; "marathons" or whatever keywords you'd like in order to receive news every morning
* Schedule your run
Whether its at lunch. In the am. Doesn't matter - just make it part of your schedule so you don't miss it!
* Sign up for your goal race in 2012
Doesn't matter if its 3 months out or next fall -- sign up and get started training
* Post your progress
Keep others in the know on how your doing. Use easy to use apps like Garmin, NIKE+ GPS or web based tools like RunnersWorld.com or DailyMile.com
* Download new tunes
Refresh your iPod and get new tunes to run to. Share your favorites!
*Bribe yourself!
If you don't run with music.... splurge on a new shirt, some of those compression sleeves you've been checking out or anything to reward yourself for sticking to your trainingFriday, December 2, 2011
5 Things you wish were extinct
This week my daughter had a writing assignment to list 5 things that she wished were extinct. It was a great way for her class (1st grade) to write down some pretty interesting things. But it got me thinking, as well.
First, I'll share her list and my son's list:
So I thought, what would I change or made "extinct" about life?
About running? (And would I also wish the Red Sox extinct?)
Here's my thoughts, but I'm sure I can come up with lots more to be extinct...
1) Closed registrations
2) Long lines at races (pickup or facilities)
3) Limited parking at races
4) Injuries
5) Spectators who tell you the wrong distance remaining in the race
I suppose there's always an opportunity to change these with better planning, smarter training, but then where would we be?
What's on your list?
First, I'll share her list and my son's list:
So I thought, what would I change or made "extinct" about life?
About running? (And would I also wish the Red Sox extinct?)
Here's my thoughts, but I'm sure I can come up with lots more to be extinct...
1) Closed registrations
2) Long lines at races (pickup or facilities)
3) Limited parking at races
4) Injuries
5) Spectators who tell you the wrong distance remaining in the race
I suppose there's always an opportunity to change these with better planning, smarter training, but then where would we be?
What's on your list?
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Are some running items best left not invented?
Browsing through the latest Runner's World and looking at the ad marketplace, you can find lots of great gadgets. From the metal frames to hold your finisher medals, to quilts for the race t-shirts, Road IDs and all kinds of things that you might not have thought of.
But in a recent issue, I found one particular item that I found to be, well, quite bizarre.
This item was the Water Bottle Headband.
Sadly - (or maybe not so) I couldn't find the image I found in Runner's World to post here.
Running with a water bottle can be a real pain in the neck and honestly, as good as the GU fuel belts are -- its just not my thing. But never would I have thought to place my water bottle behind my head?
Any other items to add to the list?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Marathon Season...
Each year as September quickly fades into October, I get that feeling of excitement and anxiety around my running. This year, despite being injured and not running much the last few weeks, I still have that sense of anxiety knowing that over the next three weeks are the some of busiest three weeks of marathoning (Marine Corp, NYC and Philadelphia Marathons).

So if you're IN and running one of these events - good luck! Keep strong and don't forget to taper your mileage.
If you didn't make it in this year - or missed the deadline, keep going and stay motivated. The spring brings some great events in the half- and marathon distance.
For me, I'm going to keep stretching and icing those sore muscles and keep cross-training to keep my outlook set on the next race....maybe I can get my act together in time to run on Turkey Day!
See you out there - and keep running!!
So if you're IN and running one of these events - good luck! Keep strong and don't forget to taper your mileage.
If you didn't make it in this year - or missed the deadline, keep going and stay motivated. The spring brings some great events in the half- and marathon distance.
For me, I'm going to keep stretching and icing those sore muscles and keep cross-training to keep my outlook set on the next race....maybe I can get my act together in time to run on Turkey Day!
See you out there - and keep running!!
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