Run In A Million Ticker

Thursday, January 27, 2011

great finds...

Recently, my only training has been shoveling snow and running the dog up the hill in snow boots, in the snowy pitch-black night.But while doing some shopping at Sports Authority, I came across their clearance tables of running shoes. Normally I wouldn't give it a second look -- but this time, I happen to see TWO FULL TABLES of running shoes. And knowing that I'm trying to get started in my training - I took a closer look.

I do prefer to go to Road Runner Sports or Fleet Feet for my shoes. Although the shoes they carry are no different, its been my experience that the service and attention to your running needs are better met in these specialty stores.

But anyway, for just $30 (after coupon) I found these 1150 ASICS

They might not be the latest model, but for $30 an extra pair of shoes in the winter to rotate during training can't be beat!

I highly recommend a 2nd (or even 3rd) pair of shoes to rotate during your training. Your shoes usually need at least 24 hours to 'bounce back' from the pounding it takes on a long run, so rotating is a great solution to help keep you healthy and your legs feeling fresh!

....and don't forget to date the side of your soles, so you can remember when they need to be changed out for new ones. You shouldn't log more than 400-500 miles on a pair of shoes. And odds are, if you've had them for a few years - they are doing your legs more damage than good. So just toss them.

Keep running!

Friday, January 21, 2011

R.U. Ready?

If your primary form of exercise in the last few weeks have been shoveling snow and running from the car inside the house, don't worry - there's still time to kick off your training!!

For those of you checking out the training schedules and looking at your next long event in the spring, you might already within the 16 week training period. Haven't started running again since the holiday? Not sure about your fitness levels?

Check out some of the great training resources below from Galloway, Runners World and the latest news about training less -- to run faster.

Half-Marathon Training, from Jeff
Runners' World Training resources

And here's a quick video found on YouTube to help get your training kick-started. The video is for last year's UNITE Half Marathon at Rutgers.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


and Happy, healthy new year!

Like most others, I had great plans for the holiday break. For example, maybe updating this blog and updating all of you on the great accomplishments made by the group in mileage, events, and contributions. I thought I might even get that treadmill serviced since I still continued to run outdoors through December (see video post on FB blog), start my training program, maybe even start to integrate other workouts....then on the east coast we got blasted with a few feet of snow that put those plans to a quick halt.

Well, the morning after the holiday snow storm, I woke with grand plans to kick start that training program and maybe even start that new years resolution early (train smarter). That's when things changed.

Doctors can't quite determine the root cause, but contributing to the situation was exhaustion, being run-down from the holidays, maybe dehydration or maybe it was some flu-bug going around. I woke up that morning to the achy, feverish feeling which usually precedes a flu virus. And before I could make it back my bed, my legs came out from underneath me and I collapsed and hit the floor. Thankfully, after a series of tests at the hospital, doctors ruled out anything serious and suggested I just lay low and not over-exert myself.

While there are countless, infinite number of new years resolutions we can all make to keep our running on course, it doesn't take much to be quickly reminded how thankful we can be for just having our health to be able to run.

At long last after two subsequent doctors appts and no other tests to be poked, proded, viewed, screened or pricked....I'm finally feeling better (and quite insulated from all the holiday eating) and even more anxious to get back out on the road. However, there's still that problem of the inoperable treadmill which runs at multiple start and stop speeds when you turn it on....

In addition to get myself out there -- I'm also entertaining suggestions on solutions for the treadmill...or even some options for a new models that can withstand the pounding of many long runs...

Stay smart...and most of all, just keep running.