Sunday, December 30, 2012
Shoes, shoes, shoes
We all have shoes upon shoes. At home. In the car. Stacked in closet.
Extra pairs, new pairs, racing pairs. You name it.
In looking at the pile of shoes that I've recently amassed and seeing the efforts to Restore The Shore and one man's journey to log 220 miles for that benefit (link), it got me thinking...what can I do do put these shoes and other donations to use?
Among countless locations for Salvation Army, Goodwill Stores and even at special race events, you can donate a pair of NEW or your GENTLY USED running shoes to these organizations:
Or to just simply make a donation to help Restore the Shore, check out Ed Kloskowski's page at:
Happy running!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Quiet early morning run, post-Sandy
Soft crunch of snow underfoot.
The calm, stillness and quiet of running in empty streets during the early dawn.
And the slight breeze that hits your wind-blown face with a spray of snow and ice from low-lying trees caught unexpectedly with this winter blast.
If you ran outside in the northeast this past week or so, you might have experienced this sensation. Not because you were up earlier than your neighbors running in the pre-dawn light, but because many of us in the area have been without power for days...and in some cases nearly 2 weeks (or longer).
Regardless the circumstances, I would encourage you to take that motivation and spirit that keeps you running and apply it to those who really need the help, who's homes were devastated by Sandy or impacted by the nor'easter that followed on the heels of that storm.
Visit to learn how you can donate, volunteer and help.
Monday, October 29, 2012
If you haven't run outside yet today ..... Don't
In anticipation of the next few days being shut indoors with kids who are already "bored" and don't know what to do with themselves; going for a run outside (even during hurricane force winds) sounded like a good alternative.
With hurricane Sandy coming up the east coast, I knew there wasn't much time for delay or indecisiveness to get outside this morning. While the Weather Centers are predicting the worst part of the storm to hit my area in NJ closer to 5pm, I know that at any point, the storm surges could easily pick up and come crashing through the area making it extremely dangerous and risky to be outside.
Fortunately, since this a blog - and not a live news feed - I don't feel the need to stand in 8 inches of ocean water down the shore; while getting pelted with rain and wind; as 10 foot waves crash behind me to tell you; "it's bad out there". But let me reiterate it for you again, in case you missed it.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
In honor and memory
Every day that you can run -- is a good day.
In April 1996, I lost my father expectedly to a heart attack. As a way to honor his memory I trained the whole next year and ran the NYC Marathon in 1997. When I finished, I felt such pride at my accomplishment - but was saddened by the fact that my father could be there to share in that goal. Nevertheless, I didn't feel like I was 'bitten by the marathon bug" and certainly wasn't compelled to have to repeat that whole marathon experience again.
Well, fast forward a few years later to the fall of 2000 and not only did I run another marathon -- but I had completed 5 marathons on three different continents. But this next marathon in Dublin was different. It was to raise money for charity. I could have joined 'Fred's Team' or one of the many chapter of Leukemia Society that were very common at that time, but instead choose a charity that was 'closer to home' for me and my family, which was the Arthritis Foundation.
My Aunt Theresa had suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis since she was in her twenties. And now in her 60's it was a small token of something I could do to help her. So I trained with greater purpose and motivation, knowing that I was running for this special purpose. But as fate would have it, my future wife would also be running the same Dublin Marathon and also to raise money for Arthritis Foundation in honor and suport of her own family. Ten years and two kids later - we have the common thread of running this event to thank for bringing us together.
Earlier this year in May, my Aunt Theresa has passed on.
And while I would like to run another marathon in Dublin with my wife, to honor her memory, I know that no matter the distance I run or travel, she will also have a place in my heart knowing that I was able to run in honor of her.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Stay Fit on the road, thanks to New Balance
Running when you travel gives you a unique opportunity to explore new areas, check out the local landscape and take in new sights.
With business travel however, it can be difficult to fit in a workout. Demanding conference schedules, longer than anticpated meetings or last minute presentation preparation are all common obstacles that divide our attention between what we'd like to do (run) and what we need to do (work). These trips can be so demanding that often times we convince ourselves that we'll never have time to get a run in -- so why bother taking the extra space in suitcase for running shoes.
This week, I learned that New Balance has a great new program in conjunction with Westin hotels. So, I just I had to try out for myself.
The program called "Pack Light Stay Fit" lets Westin guests to order clothes and shoes to your room for a workout, all for a small, nominal fee -- which actually costs about 1/3 of the pay-per-view movies in my room.
So, I called the desk and gave them my sizes for shirt, shorts and shoes....and waited.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
It's that time of year again...
With the extreme heat warnings these past few days, tough to think that we need to start thinking ahead to 16 weeks from now and our particular race of choice....if you're planning a fall marathon, then your 'start date' for training is here!!
But if you haven't decided on one yet, better start thinking and planning, because it'll be here before you know it.
What's your race of choice this Fall?
Marine Corps Marathon Oct 28 Start training: July 8
New York City Marathon Nov 4 July 15
Philadelphia Marathon Nov 18 July 29
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Super event . . . and World record attempt at Half Marathon
This past weekend, I ran the SuperHero Half Marathon in Morristown, NJ. I learned about it last year and registered as a last minute impulse when my plans for another half got changed. Fortunately, it worked out well, since the half I planned (Rutgers Unite) ended up shortening the course due to torrential rains during the week prior to just a 9 mile course.
When I ran last year's event, I thought costumes we're optional. I was surprised to see so many others dressed up in everything from superhero tees to fully-decked out costumes, capes and shields!
So this year, I've learned my lesson and tried to plan ahead.
While my costume was nothing fabulous (Green Lantern shirt and mask) - it was still a far better attempt than last year's 11th hour fiasco of a costume!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Trail fever...
Over the last few weeks, I've been looking for new ways to invigorate my running. My training was progressing, but wanted to keep up the motivation to increase my miles. So I thought I would pick up a good 'running read' to keep me inspired, which is when I finally picked up "Born to Run".
Then a couple things happened --
-Runner's World sent a TRAIL supplement with their monthly RW which had great articles on Myths of Trail Running and some great events to try out;
-I've seen been inspired to go out and run, thanks to the chatter online in the twitterverse and blogsphere about North Face Endurance Run, Comrades and WS100 (all events I'd like to compete in!) WS100 announced their participant list - which is billed as the oldest trail ultra marathon and certainly one of the most challenging; Comrades substitutions were happening over the last 30 days and the North Face challenge was happening in May (this weekend in fact!)
Now, as I look forward the Half Marathon I'm running later this month; I'm looking to keep that momentum and inspiration from Born to Run; and what we learn from Caballo Blanco about running "light and easy" so that we float over the trails and mountains.
After I run the Superhero Half later this month -- I am already looking forward to my next challenge, what ever that might be. Possibly another half? Or a marathon?? - but would like to get some trail running in....maybe will have to connect with Dave and run that trail again!?
Friday, April 27, 2012
Experiment in mileage calibration
Whenever possible, I try to avoid the treadmill. Sometimes, due to a winter storm advisory -- or pure laziness, it cannot be helped.
I've always suspected that my treadmill wasn't totally accurate and resolved myself to the notion that I just think that I always seem to run faster outside because running inside seems to take the wind out of your sails. But I felt like I was SO much faster outside.
This morning during my run, I decided to use different music, which happened to on the iTouch. So I lauched the NIKE + GPS app and played the music through the app while running.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Does 3 wrongs, make a Right Run?
It was a glorious day to run outdoors again today, in the northeast. One of those few, but increasingly common opportunities, where the temperature reached over 60 degrees in early April.
As I prepared for my run this afternoon, I could see the wind blowing hard outside my window. I thought, that given how cold it's been -- it would be best to wear at least some cover to stay warm in the wind. So I dressed in a long-sleeve T.
That was MISTAKE #1
Since it was a nice afternoon, I thought I would try a different route and mix it up a bit. I've driven a parallel route to where I've run plenty of times to bring the kids to school. I figured it might be another 0.5 mile give or take, since it's basically parallel, right?
Well, not only did I miscalculate the distance, by over a mile, the course I ran was a LOT more hilly than I thought it would be.
That was MISTAKE #2
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Coffee and Running
Many a morning I've wanted to chug a cup of coffee before my run, just to wake up before I go out the door. And sometimes, I do - but wondered if it really does help or hinder running?
I've tried drinking coffee a bunch of times during training and fewer times before races (I've even drank a Red Bull in the parking lot before a 5K) And to be honest, it didn't work out so well. It was especially nice to have a (small) hot cup of coffee before marathons (like Disney) that start at 6am in the dark, during January. Although temps are nice and warm when you finish Disney (70-80 degrees) it was about 30 degrees at the start.
Now granted, I think most people reading this are not Olympic-caliber athletes; but suppose we were? What is the impact? So I looked for the science to support this notion.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Let the training begin!
I've recently got my training back on course and really getting over my last injury - which I hope will not be a recurring one. I'm encouraged with not only being able to run pain-free a few times a week, but also to be increasing the intensity of my pace.
So of course, we start to dream and aspire to greater, loftier race goals.
I even went as far as signing up for a race (more than a month in advance). Which happens to be the Superhero Half Marathon in Morristown, NJ. In the last few years, I've been a race-day entry kinda guy-which stinks because you usually miss the swag bag 70% of the time. So signing up so far in advance is quite an uncommon occurence for me these days.
But my lofty ideas didn't stop there---no. After reading about the different marathons you've all signed up for and the posts on the Disney half and Elaine's rigorous race schedule (an ultra bookended with a couple of marathons) and the ultra at South Mountain, I thought--hey I used run in the woods for hours with the Hash House Harriers (H3), looking for flour & chalk marks, just to have a beer--then, maybe I can do this afterall?!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Have you done this?
If you have done any of these, or countless other shameless things, just to get in a run... then consider yourself a Runner
... bought a pair of running shoes, just so you can run now - instead of waiting to run later?
... changed meetings at work so you could get in a run?
... bought clothes (socks?) from a street vendor, so you could run?
... "missed the church" of a wedding to get in a run, or travel back from a race?
... bought all new running stuff (shoes, clothes, etc) because you didn't pack it on your business trip?
... considered the use of 'handi-wipes' equivalent to shower in order to run & make it to your next appointment
... changed or missed family functions to get in a run?
... scheduled a 'running meeting' with colleagues at work during lunch?
Now that the weather is starting to warm up and get nicer to run outdoors, you'll want to be sure to get that run in. So keep on getting creative and get that run in!
Keep running!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Amazing where inspiration and motivation can come from...
Attending our national sales conference this week, there are many team members who can be found in the gym, working out or hitting the roads for a run. In fact, it seems that after the last two meetings, there's an unspoken competitiveness we all share to be there working out, even if it means being there at 5:15 in am after flying to the West coast.
While there's no mention of distance completed or pace in our exchanges, there was sort of a turning point for me this week when the head of sales introduces me in the breakout session, not by the topic I was there to present but, "this is Jim, he runs like a gazelle and he's run, how many marathons?"
It almost parallels in experience to the first real road you committed to. Remember when you first told colleagues or family that you going to train to run your "first" 5K or half or even marathon? You hoped by telling them, you wouldn't talk your way out of it and would find the discipline to carry through.
As a result of this introduction, I now feel somewhat of an obligation to exceed my own expectations of what I can accomplish. To push myself further and to continue my discipline in training and recovery.
Strange. Funny how that happens.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Treadmill back in business?!
12 months of not working...
4 calls to Sears repairline...
20 minute service call...
and a total of 2,500 miles on the treadmill -- it's back in business!
I really didn't know what to expect when service FINALLY did get scheduled and showed up to repair my less-than-modern treadmill. Sure, it would have been easier to scrap it and just buy a new a year ago when it started to stutter and slip.
Last year, I did train outdoors leading up to the Superhero half marathon in May -- and luckily I had access to a small gym at work. With the cold weather not relenting in January and everything else that gets in the way -- it was not really conducive to getting to the gym for a run, so it was time to finally do something about it.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
When do I get new shoes?
Now that the cold, cold days of winter are subsiding and we're being treated to warmer weather on the East Coast, people are starting to ramp up their miles again.
In the last couple weeks, I've now had a couple conversations with friends about when do you get new shoes. How many miles should you put on them? When will I know when it's time?

I find an easy reminder to be simply writing the date I started using the shoes on the heel. You'll need to track the total miles using your paper or online logs. And if you're rotating shoes - you'll need to remember to note which shoes you used in your training logs.
But writing the date on your shoe is a good way to have a more definitive way to track and remember so that you keep your shoes fresh and your legs healthy!
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