Run In A Million Ticker

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Celebrating with Green Beer and a 5K

There are a few times during the year, in which runners feel more than capable to run a (5K) road race ...regardless of their training. Among those are a New Year's run, the Fourth of July and St Patrick's Day.

Usually this can be attributed to the knowledge that the reward at the end of the race -- can typically be found not in age group awards or medals; but typically a pint or two at the local pub after a tough run.

So whether your goal was to get out to start your spring training or your goal was to run this morning's #NYCHalf13 to accomplish one of your goals -- Cheers to you!!
and Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My New Year's Resolution to Running Consistently

We all go through highs and lows in our training. And some weeks are DEFINITELY better than others.

But the goal that we all share is to "run more consistently". Not just in the number of days we run in a week or a month, but more consistently in pace/time...which will come naturally if we put it the right amount of time and effort.

It has been a challenging start to the year. And I've found myself traveling for business, a lot more than I have in the last  few years. So much so, that I decided to look at the number of check-ins on Foursquare to validate my's what I discovered: